SqueezeFunnels uses the customizer for all of its setting options.
You can access the customizer from two places.
- From your site's dashboard go to Appearance > Customize
- Or from any page in the admin bar while logged in.
This allows you to completely change the design of your site. After choosing a preset you can continue customizing your site using the other settings below.
This section is where you can select different layouts, background colors, link/accent colors, and adjust heading and body font styles.
- Layout (fixed and full-width)
Full-width layout the page builder rows can span edge to edge as opposed to appearing "boxed". It also has an option to set the content width. Row background will span to the full width of a page but the content will be restricted to the content width. The default maximum width is 1100 pixels.
- Background
You can choose to set a background color or an image for your site's background.
- Accent Color (Accent & Hover colors)
This is used to color elements such as links and buttons.
- Headings
Set fonts, font weights, capitalization, line height, letter spacing, and font sizes for headings
- Text
Set fonts, font weight, line height, and font size for body text
The theme support several different header styles with a variety of different style options
- Top Bar Layout
You have the ability to enable or disable a small area above your header up to two columns. Good place for quick messages or social icons.
- Top Bar Style
This is where you set the top bar's background color, gradient, or image. You can also set the capacity, text, and link colors.
- Header Layout
There are different header layouts as well as several fixed header options. You also set the header padding here. Depending of which layout is selected, options to add content to the header is available, too.
- Header Style
You can set the header's background color, gradient, or image. You also set the capacity, text and link colors here.
- Header Logo
You have the choice to add either a text or image logo. Image logos support a standard and high retina version
- Navigation Layout
This is where you set the spacing between navigation menu items. You can choose whether or not to show a search icon. For mobile navigation you can choose either a menu icon or a hamburger icon
- Navigation Style
This is where you set fonts, font weight, font size, and capitalization for the navigation menu. Depending which header layout selected, options to select backgrounds, opacity, and colors explicitly for the navigation is available.
This section is everything between the site's header and footer. This is where you set the background colors, layout options for blog content, archive pages, posts and WooCommerce pages.
- Content Background
This is where you customize the color, capacity, and/or image of the content area's background.
- Blog Layout
The options included are toggling a sidebar, sidebar position, sidebar size, and the ability to toggle what post meta items are displayed (author, comment count, and date).
- Archive Layout
This is where you set whether to display full text or an excerpt on archive/blogroll pages. Selecting excerpt allows you to customize the "Read More" link. You can also toggle and set the position of featured images.
- Post Layout
Toggle whether featured images, categories, tags and prev/next links are shown on individual posts.
- WooCommerce Layout
You can toggle a sidebar and Add to Cart buttons for WooCommerce pages. You have an option to disable our custom WooCommerce styles.
- Lightbox
Toggle whether to automatically open image links in a lightbox.
The theme supports a main footer and a sub-footer. The sub-footer can contain up to four widget areas. The main footer consists of one or two columns with a variety of different content options.
- Footer Widgets Layout
You can toggle your footer widgets to appear on all pages, just the homepage, or not at all.
- Footer Widgets Style
This is where you set the footer widget's background color, gradient, or image. You can also set the opacity, text, and link colors.
- Footer Layout
You have the option to enable or disable a site footer. The theme supports up to two columns and either column can contain text, social icons, text and social icons, or a WP menu
- Footer Background
This section is where you set the footer's background color, gradient, or image, opacity, text, and link colors.
- Footer Parallax
This is where you enable a parallax effect for a site's footer.
Widgets section appears if the footer widgets are enabled. This is where you set and configure your widgets.
You can inject HTML, CSS, and/or JS code into the theme's markup.
CSS entered in this area will be rendered within <style> tags right before the closing header tag.
- Javascript Code
Javascript entered in this area will be rendered withing <script> tags right before the closing header tag
- Header Code
HTML, CSS, or Javascript entered in this area will be rendered directly after the opening body tag
- Footer Code
HTML, CSS, or Javascript entered in this area will be rendered directly before the closing body tag.
Configure social icons and links, also set general settings without leaving the customizer.
- Social Links
Configure which social icons appear and set their color
- Site Identidy
This is where you wet your site's title, tagline, and select a browser/app site icon. You can also set your site title and tagline from the General settings area of the WP admin.
- Static Front Page
This is where you set to whether to display your latest posts or a static page as your site's front page.