How to add a video popup window when an image/text is clicked on

First step is to make sure the lightbox is enabled.  Go to Appearance > Customize > Content > Lightbox then enable it.  Don't forget to hit Save & Publish to save your update.


Next go to squeezefunnels builder, click the Add Content button and expand Basic Modules.  Drag and drop the HTML module to your page. 

html.png    html_001.png

Copy and paste the code below to your HTML module replacing the video and image urls.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<a id="fl-homepage-video" href=""><img src=""/></a>

<script type="text/javascript">

jQuery( function(){
    jQuery( '#fl-homepage-video' ).magnificPopup({
        type: 'iframe',
        mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
        fixedContentPos: false


Here's how the sample code looks in a page.


You also have a choice to use a text instead of an image.  Below is an example of the code. (just replace the video URL and Text with your own)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<a id="fl-homepage-video" href=""><font color="red"><font size="6">Watch the Demo</font></font></a>

<script type="text/javascript">

jQuery( function(){
    jQuery( '#fl-homepage-video' ).magnificPopup({
        type: 'iframe',
        mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
        fixedContentPos: false


Here's how it looks in the page once it's published. (1st image used image url, 2nd image used text)

    popupdemo4.png                    popupdemo3.png

Once the image/text is clicked on the pop-up window opens instead of leaving your page/site.



Note:  If you add multiple images/text with pop-up videos in a page make sure they have different ID. 

        Example:  fl-homepage-video




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