Advanced Module - Icon and Icon Group overview

Icon module

The Icon Module lets you insert icons from Ultimate-icon, Font Awesome, Foundation, or WordPress into your layouts.

The Icon module comes with a text editor, where you can enter and format text that will appear to the right of the icon. You can add a link, which applies to both the icon and the text. If you add a background color, it appears as a circle around the icon, as in the following screenshot.


Icon Group

The Icon Group Module allows you to insert a group of icons and uniformly space them. You can add a link to each icon and adjust the spacing between them.

 Unlike the Icon module, you cannot add text, but both modules have the same style options for the icons.

One good use for an icon group would be to display the icons for various credit cards.  You can set the same colors of the icons, hover, background, background hover by setting it in the Group Icon Settings > Style

Or you can set different colors for each icon.  Go to your Icon Group Settings, click the Edit Icon > click the Style tab and set the colors for the specific icon.


Sample of a icon group with different color styles.

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