- Create your video or if you already have a video uploaded in youtube, open the video and click share then embed.
- Copy the embed code that.
- Choose the niche you want to change the video and double click demo.
- Right click index and choose edit with notepad++
- Find that line that says <div class="videoBox">. The line below it you will see a link to YouTube.
- Paste the embed code that you have copied. Make sure that the with is set to 100 and height to 120.
- Save the changes you have made.
How to set the video to autoplay
- If you are using the old embedded code you append &autoplay=1 to the YouTube URL
- If you are using the new embedded code that you see in fig. 2 use ?autoplay=1
Manual play: http://www.youtube.com/embed/_3_BPj6num4
Autoplay: http://www.youtube.com/embed/_3_BPj6num4?autoplay=1